6 Week Case Review in Energetic Herbalism

Wednesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:30 pm EST, February 1st - March 8th

This six-week course is for those who are looking for more guidance in how to apply the energetic lens to their herbal practice. Kat will spend the first night going over basic clinical skills such as writings a SOAP note, considerations on intakes and ways to address formulations. 

Whether you are working with family, friends or clients all of this will be accessible. Anyone can write a SOAP note and is a great way to practice thinking through a protocol. In fact, the notes we will go over will be SOAP notes participants write for THEMSELVES (if they care to) then we will do a mini intake and apply energetics to the situation.

Participants will then submit possible formulas and the following week we will discuss a few of them to take a real life exploration of matching herbs to people.This intention is not to come up with a final formula or recipe, but more how to begin looking at body systems, constitutions, lifestyles as well as materia medica with an energetic lens. Recommended reading  is Kat’s text, Energetic Herbalism and some background in Western Energetics of Tissue states. I would say the level of study best suited would be advanced beginner. No clinical expertise is needed yet this will also deepen those who have been practicing.

There are no requirements for direct participation, just that engagement and experience are supreme teachers.